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1. The committee have the right to decide on matters not covered.
2.Competitors must wear hard hats complying with current British Safety standards and be fastened at all times whilst mounted unless competitors 18 years or over sign a disclaimer form.
3. Correct attire to be worn when competing in all classes.
4. The committee will not tolerate any mistreatment of any horse/pony by owners or any person. Anyone persisting will be banned from the club.
5. Animals under the age of 4 years MUST NOT be ridden on the showground.
6.Disorderly conduct or abuse towards officials will result in expulsion from the showground.
7. In the event of an objection concerning age of rider where age limits apply, a birth certificate must be produced prior to competing at further shows.
8. No whip to exceed 30" in length (30 inches)
9. Riders must not canter or gallop in spectator areas. Warm up areas must be used.
10. No non- competitive entries are allowed.
11. Entry fees are refunded at the discretion of the committee.
12. The committee/landowner/organisers do not accept any responsibility for accidents to any person, animal or property on the showground.
13. Dogs to be kept on leads at all times. Owners to pick up mess and dispose of correctly.
14.THE JUDGES DECISION IS FINAL. Objections to age or height restrictions must be submitted in writing with a deposit of £20. Deposits refunded if the objection is upheld.
15. Long hair should be worn in a hairnet or secured in such a way as not to hang below the collar.
16.Horses/ponies known to kick or misbehave must wear a red tail ribbon and be kept away from other animals and spectators where practicable.
17. Riders 16 years and under must NOT wear spurs.
18. Season points are not transferable in cases of change of owner/handler/rider in any class.
19. Once the gate of the show ring is closed, no more entries for the class will be taken.
21. In case of a fall of rider, the rider must leave the ring un-mounted. Competitors are not allowed to compete that day until permission from first aider.
22.Stallions/colts to be bitted and their rider/handler must be 16years and over.
23.Horseboxes/trailers must not be mucked out on the showground.
24. All equines entering the show ground must have up to date flu vaccinations. Proof of such may be requested and failure to provide the horses passport for inspection will result in expulsion.
25. You are NOT allowed to smoke/vape on Saddlers Show ground. If you wish to smoke/vape, you may do outside the gate at the top or bottom of the field.
26. All trophies should be returned clean and engraved by the October show. Failure to do so will result in competitors being charged for new trophies.
27. Ear rings, body studs or jewellery MUST NOT be worn.
28. People under the age of 4 years are NOT allowed to compete.
29. STARS classes are subject to change.
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