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Ring 2 - From 9.30 am
All handlers 17yrs & under must wear a hard hat. Saddlers RC organisers strongly recommend hard hats are worn by all.
Colts & stallions to be bitted, handlers over 16yrs.
9.15am Competitors are invited to a free practice round with their horses under Warm Up the guidance of the ring steward. Support given where needed.
Class 8 - Senior Handler.
For handlers 18 years and over on 01/01/24.
Class 9 - In Hand Three Years and Under.
Open to horses and ponies born in or after 2021. Saddlers RC Rosette to the highest placed yearling. Foals must be a minimum of 4 weeks old on the day of the show. Qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Class 10 - In Hand Mare 4 Years and Over.
Born in or before 2020. Any height or breed. Plaited or natural. Plaited horses will be eligible for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Class 11 - In Hand Gelding 4 Years and Over.
Born in or before 2020. Any height or breed. Plaited or natural. Plaited horses will be eligible for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Class 12 - In Hand Riding Club, Sports & ROR Horse/Pony
Open to any horse or pony suitable for all riding club activities. Judged on suitability, manners & turnout. Plaited horses and ROR will be eligible for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Class 13 - In Hand Foreign Breeds, Part Breeds & Arab / Part Arab / Anglo Arab.
Open to any horse or pony that is non-indigenous to the British Isles, excludes Irish horses/ponies.
Class 14 - Tiny Tots Handler.
Handlers to be 8 years or under on 01/01/24. Hard hats must be secured at all times. No colts or stallions. Qualifier for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Class 15 - Junior Handler.
Handlers to be 18 years or under on 01/01/24. Hard hats must be secured at all times. No colts or stallions. Qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows. For STARS, class will be split for under 12 years old and 12 years & over.
Kindly sponsored by B. Taylors & Sons Transport.
The following classes will not commence before 11.30am
Class 16 - In Hand Veteran Horse or Pony 14 Years & Over.
Born in or before 2010. Horse’s age must be displayed on the bridle. Saddlers RC rosettes awarded to the highest placed veteran over 25 years. Qualifier for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Class 17 - In Hand Coloured, Spotted & Palomino.
Any breed, height & age. Coloured qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Class 18 - In Hand Cobs, Traditional & Heavyweights.
To be shown according to type.
Cobs and traditions qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Kindly sponsored by Cheryl Osborne In Memory of Alfie.
Class 19 - In Hand Shetlands & Miniature Horses
Class 20 - In Hand Mountain and Moorland Small Breeds.
Ponies to be shown in a natural state. Open to pure bred Dartmoor, Exmoor, Welsh Sec A, Welsh Sec B and Shetland. Rosette to highest placed Shetland in each class. Qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Class 21 - In Hand Mountain and Moorland Large Breeds.
Horses and ponies to be shown in natural state. Open to pure bred Welsh Sec C, Welsh Sec D, Fell, Dales, New Forest, Connemara and Highland.
Qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Kindly sponsored by Jennifer Rollason In Memory of Jet Black.
Class 22 - In Hand Driving Type.
Open to horses and ponies any age. No vehicles permitted.
IN HAND JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP – 18 years or under. For First and second Prize Winners.
IN HAND CHAMPIONSHIP – 19 years or over. For First and second Prize Winners.
Both kindly sponsored by Pool House Equine Vets.
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