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Ring 3 - From 9.30 am
9.15am Competitors are invited to a free practice round with their horses under Warm Up the guidance of the ring steward. Support given where needed.
Class 23 - Open Ridden Best Turned Out.
Open to all, including lead rein riders. Judged solely on turnout. Qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Class 24 - Lead Rein Showing.
Ponies 12.2hh & under. Riders 10 years and under on 01.01.24. Judged on suitability and presentation of pony and rider. Simple snaffle bit only, lead rein to be attached directly to the noseband. Qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Class 25 - Young Rider.
Riders 11 years and under on 01.01.24. Ponies 14.2hh & under. Walk & trot only on the go-round. Optional canter in individual performance. Saddlers RC rosette awarded to the highest placed rider aged 9 years or under. Lead rein competitors may compete in this class off the lead rein, but must stay on the lead rein in all other classes on the day. Simple snaffle bit only, lead rein to be attached directly to the noseband. Qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Kindly sponsored by Paul Starkey Transport Ltd
Class 26 - Junior Best Rider.
Riders 16 years & under on 01.01.24. Open to horses & ponies. Judged on rider ability, performance, turnout and presentation. Simple snaffle bridle. Qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Class 27 - Newcomer / Novice Ridden.
A class for genuinely novice horses, ponies or riders. Riders to be at least 12 years old or over on 01.01.24. Riders will not be asked to canter as a group but may include canter in their individual performance. Please enter this class in the spirit it is intended. Combination of horse / pony & rider not to have competed together in previous years at any show.
Class 28 - Lead Rein Mountain and Moorland.
Open to purebred Welsh Sections A, B, C, D Exmoor, Dartmoor, Shetland, Dales New Forest, Connemara, Fell, Highland. Qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Class 29 - Ridden Mountain and Moorland.
Open to purebred Welsh Sections A, B, C, D, Exmoor, Dartmoor, Shetland, Dales, New Forest, Connemara, Fell, Highland. Open to riders any age. Qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Not before 11am
Class 30 - Best Ridden Pony
Ponies under 148cm. Open to any breed, riders any age. Judged on conformation, manners and performance. Plaited ponies qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows. Kindly sponsored by Showstoppers.
Class 31 - Best Ridden Horse.
Horses exceeding 148cm. Open to any breed, rider any age. Judged on conformation, manners and performance. Plaited horses qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Class 32 - Ridden Veteran Horses & Ponies 14yrs & Over.
Born in or before 2010. Horse’s age must be displayed on the bridle. No spurs or galloping in this class. Special rosette for best ridden veteran 20 years or over. Qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows. For STARS, the class will be split into 14 - 19 years and 19+.
Kindly sponsored by Jennifer Rollason In Memory of Rhino.
Class 33 - Open Ridden Coloured, Spotted & Palomino.
Any breed or height, riders any age. Coloured qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Class 34 - Ridden Cobs, Traditionals & Heavyweights.
To be shown according to type. Cobs and traditional qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Class 35 - Senior Best Rider.
Riders 18 years and over on 01.01.24. Open to horses & ponies. Judged on rider’s ability, performance, turnout and presentation. Simple snaffle. NO spurs. Qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Class 36 - Ridden Show Hunter, Hunter & ROR Horse or Pony.
Judged on suitability, manners and performance. Rosette to highest ROR
Qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Class 37 - Riding Club Horse or Pony.
Class will include a suitable height jump.
70% Style, manners and way of going for show/jumping; 30% conformation
Qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
**Working Hunter Classes to be marked 50% jump; 20% style; 20% confirmation; 10% manners and show.**
Class 38 – Lead Rein Working Hunter.
Ponies 128cm & under. Riders 10 years and under on 01.01.24. Judged on suitability and presentation of the pony and rider.
Jump not to exceed 40cm. Qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Class 39 - Working Hunter 133cm & Under.
Jump height max 65cm
Qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
Class 40 - Working Hunter 133cm & Over.
May be split further into up to 153 and exceeding 153 if numbers allow.
Jump height 80cm (153), may be up to 90cm (exceeding 153) if class is split.
Qualifiers for STARS, dependant on points accrued over four shows.
JUNIOR RIDDEN CHAMPIONSHIP – 18 years or under. For First and second Prize Winners.
RIDDEN CHAMPIONSHIP – 18 years or over. For First and second Prize Winners.
Both kindly sponsored by Pool House Equine Vets.
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